Amagi Brilliant Park: Personal Guilty Pleasure

Amagi Brilliant Park

Personally, I enjoy watching Amagi Brilliant Park. It’s funny, it’s rowdy, and it’s magical. Because the theme park belongs to a magical world of Maple Land, it gives a legitimate excuse to include all sorts of crazy ideas in a normal slice of life. And to my own surprise, I actually love the wild ideas!

Usually, when an anime series includes too many way-beyond-logic scenes, I get turned off. I suppose having properly introduced the notion of Maple Land sets me off on the right track and I was able to enjoy the series for what it is.


Fun Bunch of Characters

If you’ve seen the series, you’ll surely remember how Sento greeted Kanie with a shotgun. With that kind of character introduction, don’t you think we’re up for even more crazy characters as the series progresses? Having playful characters like the three stooges in the form of Muffles, Macaron and Tirami are a bonus. They’re mostly considered as side characters, but boy, didn’t they make the series that much more hilarious with their crazy antics. Confession time: I love watching what those three are up to simply because they’re fearless and extreme.

The other characters such as Muse, Sylphy, Kobori and Salama are also hilarious to watch. Their initially inability to stay in sync with one another resulted in some chaos on stage are just some of little things that made me giggle.

These bunch of crazy characters, coupled with Amagi Brilliant Park being a product from a magical world, each episode was filled with unexpected adventures. Or rather, misadventures.


Running A Theme Park

What brought me back to the series each week is the curiosity of wanting to know how the egoistic Kanie finally reached the goal of bringing in 250,000 visitors to the park in 3 months. Or if he’s ever going to achieve that goal. “How” is the keyword though. Because Amagi Brilliant Park was in a very bad shape at the start of the series, I thought it was interesting to stick around to find out if the theme park is ever going to draw in crowds.

While it doesn’t focus much on the management side of things, Amagi Brilliant Park did showcase a series of possible real world business problems that newbie manager Kanie has to solve. No money, lack of employees, convincing investors/creditors, among other things are problems the theme park has to solve. Solutions to these problems are sometimes very practical, although not always ethical. But more importantly, the solutions are just plain hilarious to watch.

At the end of the day, watching the characters all overcoming their differences and work together to achieve a shared goal is really enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the 12th episode. Without a doubt, Amagi Brilliant Park has this feel good spirit in it and relaxing to watch. I don’t regret picking this show!

Note: I love and hate the fact that the series doesn’t show Kanie using more of his magic skill more.

6 thoughts on “Amagi Brilliant Park: Personal Guilty Pleasure

  1. I’m almost certain it’s because of the characters (and the setting) that allows it to be enjoyable despite so many off the wall concepts.

    (Personally because Bonta-kun’s also in this show helps as well haha)

  2. Maple Land sounds incredibly sweet, doesn’t it?
    I was instantly hooked to the show as it was shown how wrecked everything was, I was quite curious about how they wanted to bring it back in shape. The moe gap of the political incorrect mascots was also refreshing, hilarious yet shocking, Tiramie looked really kawaii, but he/it was a true dirtbag XD
    The fanservice came as an unexpected extra, at times I was surprised that the actually innocent studio would do such things, I would lie when saying that I disliked it, though ^^

    • I love the idea of Maple Land. It makes everything sounds magical. >.<

      Yes, I was curious too about how Kanie would turn the theme park around. Glad he managed though because now everyone lives happily ever after like how it supposed to be in magical world.

      Tiramie…I don't know what to say about him. He can be a real jerk sometimes, but hilarious to watch. I can't believe he abandoned his friends when they needed him! I actually thought he's a she. Maybe I'm just stereotyping the pink, cat & ribbon exterior, lol.

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