5 Favorite Uniforms

Vampire Knight

Let’s do something light and fun this week! I’ve seen plenty of anime in which characters don uniforms for the most part of the show. Since I’ve done a lot of “favorite” posts like favorite slice-of-life series and favorite mascots before, I thought I’ll give uniforms a shot too. The term uniform here refers to distinctive clothing worn by members of same organization, team or school. So my list doesn’t only consider school uniforms.

The criteria that determine my choices are combination of colors as well as styling. These are all about personal preferences, of course. Anyway, without further ado, here’s my favorite uniforms from 5 anime series.

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Danganronpa & Shingeki no Kyojin: Surviving


There’s one thing in common about Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei and Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) – they’re both about human survival. Both anime have different settings, different set of character types and yet, human survival instincts that present within these two anime are very similar. Human fear deaths. Their will to fight is a direct result of desperation to stay alive or in some cases, making sure their loved ones get to see another day.

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Hoshiko’s Best Anime 2013


Given that I didn’t watch anything from Fall 2013, I’m a bit hesitant to write this post because I feel that it’s a little unfair. It wasn’t because I didn’t like anything from Fall 2013, but I didn’t watch any of them so I can’t rate them now can I? But then again, I remember my annual best anime post is always about the anime I watched. I don’t watch a whole lot of anime to begin with >.<.

Here it comes, my best anime 2013 list! The list only includes series that ends in 2013, regardless of when it started airing so that means anime that aired in Fall 2012 is considered.

*drum rolls*

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Updates & Some Chit Chats

Shingeki no Kyojin

My last update was in August! That’s how time flies! In between August and October, loads of stuff had happened. I’m away from home most days of the week for work and some of my family members are facing health scares so much time was spent taking care/paying attention to them when I’m home. It’s like I totally understand how sometimes people – even huge anime fans – would slipped behind a few months because there are so much things going on.

Sometimes, just sometimes, other things take precedence over hobbies.

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