What Makes An Anime Memorable?

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

Sure, I’ve talked about the top 5 anime I’ll rewatch countless times because I just adore it so much. Or maybe how I’d choose which anime to watch and I tend to stick my favorite genres. I won’t hesitate to give other genres a go, of course. Otherwise, I won’t be watching Haganai or Mayo Chiki. They’re not that bad. I have a habit of ranking my favorite anime of the year too.

But what make an anime memorable? Memorable, as in easily remembered. What makes it stands out more than the rest? An anime season consists of a lot of series so it needs that extra special something to stand out from the rest. After thinking for a while, I decided I have a list if a few criteria that makes an anime memorable for me.

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Hoshiko’s Best Anime 2011

Alrighty. It’s the end of 2011. Do you know what this means? It’s time for my personal list of best anime in 2011. This list contains anime that has completed its run within Winter 2011, Spring 2011, Summer 2011 and Fall 2011. Of course, it has to be an anime that I’ve seen. And that also means any other anime that I saw this year but did not debut and complete or complete (debuted in Fall 2010) within those periods are not taken into consideration. As always, I’ll list out only five on my very short list. The reasons for the very short list are 1) I don’t have a long list of anime to pick from and 2) I only make sure the ones I really, really like make the list.

*Drum Rolls* Hoshiko’s best anime of 2011 is….

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It’s Not Your Ordinary Penguin

Feeling uninspired to write anything this week, I shall then share with you all the little penguin that has found its way to me recently. It’s papercraft, by the way. Very much similar to the one I posted here, but with a tiny little difference.

Unlike the previous papercraft, I’m not 100% sure if this is a penguin from Mawaru Penguindrum. It does look similar. Anyways, it’s adorable so it doesn’t matter.

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