Hoshiko’s Best Anime 2014

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

Looking back to 2014, I realized a lot of crazy cool stuff had happened. I mean, a much beloved Hunter X Hunter (2011) series had ended and it ended well. Naruto manga is now officially wrapped up. Kuroko no Basuke manga too. Of course, I’ve read news about sequels and stuff, but hey, things aren’t going to be same. Characters lineup will probably be a little different, etc. So just have a moment and take it all in.

Anyway, as per tradition, I cannot NOT write this post. It’s like a quick post to remind myself and hopefully recommend others good anime series in 2014. The criteria is that the anime series must end in 2014, regardless of when it started airing. I mean, it wouldn’t be fair to rate a series that is still airing right?

So here’s goes. The annual Hoshiko’s Best Anime list has returned.

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5 Favorite Uniforms

Vampire Knight

Let’s do something light and fun this week! I’ve seen plenty of anime in which characters don uniforms for the most part of the show. Since I’ve done a lot of “favorite” posts like favorite slice-of-life series and favorite mascots before, I thought I’ll give uniforms a shot too. The term uniform here refers to distinctive clothing worn by members of same organization, team or school. So my list doesn’t only consider school uniforms.

The criteria that determine my choices are combination of colors as well as styling. These are all about personal preferences, of course. Anyway, without further ado, here’s my favorite uniforms from 5 anime series.

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Double Sports Anime Treats: Baby Steps & Haikyuu!!

Baby Steps & Haikyuu

Among the sports anime aired this year, Baby Steps and Haikyuu!! really stood out for me. While both are sports anime, their premises couldn’t be any more different. Haikyuu!! focuses on volleyball, a team sports while Baby Steps focuses on tennis, mostly known as a single player sports. I think that in itself laid out the major differences between the two anime in terms of atmosphere, excitement and player dynamics.

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Why I Like Sports Anime?

kuroko no basuke

As I found myself following quite a number of sports anime this season, I can’t help but to take a step back and wonder why I like sports and competitive game anime. Over the seven years of me watching anime, I’ve watched many sports anime such as Bamboo Blade, Slam Dunk, Chihayafuru, Kuroko no Basuke, Free! etc.

So why do I like sports anime that much? Here’s why.

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