Tamayura: Pause To Think

I like Tamayura for many reasons: relaxing, healing, soothing, scenic, etc. It’s an anime that aims to leave their audience feeling good after watching each episode. At least, that’s what I feel each time I watch an episode of Tamayura.

I think I’m lucky enough that Tamayura kept coming back as it’s easily one of my favorite series. A few weekends ago, I finally had the chance to sit down, relax and watch the second movie: Tamayura: Sotsugyou Shashin Part 2 – Hibiki. There are four movies, by the way and the third movie just aired not too long ago.

Way back in 2011, I wrote a post about what I relate to in Tamayura Hitotose. Much of it still applies in this new episode, particularly for Kaoru.

In Hibiki, Kaoru was the only one left without a solid plan about her future. Clock is ticking and she was constantly reminded by her homeroom teacher about her lack of decision. Instead of hastily making a choice or going wherever the wind blows, Kaoru took her time to seriously think of what she wants to do with her life.

I admire this aspect of Kaoru’s character. There are many times we may fall under pressure to make a decision and so we make them to either please other people or to get someone of our case. To do what Kaoru did, that takes a lot of character.


What I like is how the struggles of Kaoru weren’t painted agonizingly. Let’s put it this way, she was seen gently struggling with her decision about her future. She pondered. She thought hard. But she wasn’t pulling her hair or getting all worked up. And I like that. I suppose this is what makes Tamayura so special. Everything about it is so peaceful!

In the end though, by sheer stroke of good luck, Kaoru found her calling. At last, she makes a decision that she knows she won’t regret. After all, she spent her sweet time thinking about it. What’s more, it suits her character very well.


Besides Kaoru, Norie also experienced some last minute uncertainty about her choice. Her passion for baking sweet stuff is apparent, but she wanted to give it up because she was scared. Her giving up provided the momentary pause she needed to re-evaluate her choice, to reconsider other options before finally deciding if she should go for what she wanted all along.

Our future is not a decision we should rush. Life is short. We should always be doing things that interest us, things that we want. This isn’t a post about asking you to pursue your dream or follow your passion. I wrote this post simply because it’s something we all come across at various points in our lives.

We face a wall. We are unable to make a very important decision that may very well has the biggest impact in our lives. We are uncertain.

Take time to pause. Clarity may awaits at the end of the tunnel.

5 thoughts on “Tamayura: Pause To Think

  1. Huh. I never knew Tamayura movies exist, lol. I only just watched the series. I’m going to have to give it a look one of these days. I actually like Aria a lot more-I had always love their world the most, but also because the series had a very good conclusion. I really should watch the Tamayura movies first though before making any more judgement, since checking MAL, the movies seem to be the “finale”. I will still probably like Aria more anyway :p

  2. I finallly watched these 2 (*^o^*). The first one made me totally emotional again, the thing with Potte and her deceased father hits too deep (⋟﹏⋞)

    The second one with Norie was more lighthearted on me, so cute XD
    It was easily noticeable that the “art of sweets” is her thing afterall.

    These movies are nice addition to the previous happenings, It’s lovely how the story was continued in this direction, nearly every girl developed their special interest in the progress of Tamayura. For Norie, Potte and Maon it turned into a passion, they want to explore further as possible career, too. For Kaoru it was more realistic, most teenagers have no clue what path to take. Hobbies aren’t always job orientated. I was happy that Kaoru thought about her skills and coincidentially saw a thing, she also could imagine to do.

    I guess it wouldn’t have worked, if the girls would aim for plain office jobs haha

    • Yes, the movies are definitely great additions. There are two more movies before they wrap up the series and when they do, I already know I’ll miss them dearly.

      Agree on Kaoru’s character progress. I find hers much more relevant and relatable. She’s the most mature among the four I think and to finally find something she thinks is the right career path for her, I couldn’t be more happier.

      LOL! I always thought Potte would go down the photography route and Norie the baker route. I wasn’t sure where Maon and Kaoru would go, but I’m glad they finally decide a path in which they can take. And so glad they don’t end up as office ladies (there’s nothing wrong of course)!

  3. Pingback: Tamayura: A Full Circle | World of Yamaguchi Hoshiko

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